news 2023
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Results 161 - 169 of 169.
Environment - 09.01.2023

According to a study published in The American Naturalist on 6 January 2022, sequences of environmental events over time influence population dynamics in wild species. A research team led by Marlène Gamelon, a researcher at the CNRS 1 , has studied the influence of sequences of oak mast seeding events over the years on a population of wild boars 2 , which are major consumers of acorns.
Social Sciences - History / Archeology - 08.01.2023
Family portraits in the Neolithic: from family trees to social behavior
Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature, on July 26, 2023. Communication of CNRS-INEE on August 1st, 2023. Paleogenomic analyses carried out on individuals from the Neolithic burial site of Gurgy "les Noisats" (Yonne), in the Paris Basin, have enabled the family trees of two families to be reconstructed on an unprecedented scale.
Environment - Earth Sciences - 06.01.2023
A CO2 sink in the South Pacific ocean desert
A newly identified process of natural iron fertilization in the ocean fuels regional CO2 sinks. This was demonstrated by a study published May 25 in Science and co-authored by 25 researchers from the Tonga project. This project was led by two researchers from the IRD and CNRS, with over 90 scientists from 14 French laboratories based in mainland France, New Caledonia, and 6 international universities.
Environment - 06.01.2023

How will our glaciers evolve during the 21st century - In a new study to be published on January 5 in the journal Science , an international team 1 , including scientists from CNRS and the University Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, reveals a loss of glacier mass greater than previously projected. According to their work, this loss increases by 14% to 23% compared to previous projections, including those used in the last IPCC report.
Environment - 06.01.2023
Loss of glaciers faster than expected
How will our glaciers change during the 21st century? In a new study whose findings are published in Science (5 January), an international team 1 , including scientists from the CNRS and Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, has demonstrated a loss of glacial mass greater than earlier projected-and specifically, 11% to 44% higher than estimates used in the most recent IPCC report.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 04.01.2023

Omar Lopez sur Unsplash In the weeks that follow the birth of a child, both parents are likely to develop depression. Paternity leave, recognized for its benefits on family balance, child development and male-female equality, could be one of the keys to preventing this condition that affects one in ten fathers and almost two in ten mothers.
Life Sciences - Environment - 03.01.2023
Microfibers of the Mediterranean
A consortium of bacteria form on the microfibers of the Mediterranean Sea, becoming "floating homes for bacteria". Maria Luiza Pedrotti, a CNRS researcher at the Villefranche-sur-Mer oceanography laboratory has reported the presence of a pathogenic bacterium on the tiny textile fibers found in the deep blue sea.
Innovation - Computer Science - 03.01.2023
ChatGPT: A Technological Breakthrough?
GPT Chat is the latest innovation in chatbots. Designed by OpenAI, GPT Chat uses one of the most advanced language processing models available to simulate a natural conversation with users. GPT Chat is able to adapt to a wide range of conversational topics and provide smooth, natural responses through its use of the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-training Transformer 3) model.
Life Sciences - Environment - 03.01.2023
Microfibers of the Mediterranean
A consortium of bacteria form on the microfibers of the Mediterranean Sea, becoming "floating homes for bacteria". Maria Luiza Pedrotti, a CNRS researcher at the Villefranche-sur-Mer oceanography laboratory has reported the presence of a pathogenic bacterium on the tiny textile fibers found in the deep blue sea.