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Results 51 - 81 of 81.
History / Archeology - Art and Design - 14.10.2024

Cities,Ölandscapes, monuments, even human figures: the watercolours of the architect and archaeologist Jean-Claude Golvin are an invitation to immerse ourselves in the everyday life of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian Antiquity.
Innovation - 10.10.2024
Ferments du Futur, a unique European public-private partnership for R&D on the food of the future
Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 09.10.2024
European project ’Pro-Wild’ to protect and promote crop wild relatives launched
Life Sciences - 09.10.2024
Reprogramming wood-degrading mushroom enzymes for the biorecycling of plastic
Plastic, a material designed to be resistant and not break down, remains difficult to recycle. These characteristics make it similar to wood, a naturally recalcitrant substance that is degraded by the specialised enzymes found in certain filamentous fungi.
Astronomy / Space - Environment - 07.10.2024
The CNRS is defending the future of astronomy to the European Union
Innovation - Research Management - 07.10.2024

Life Sciences - Event - 01.10.2024

Research Management - 25.09.2024
IDEAL Take part in the Assises nationales des données de la recherche!
Chemistry - 25.09.2024
Storing solar energy in molecules and converting it into heat energy
Event - Campus - 25.09.2024
IDEAL Festival of student involvement - Open to students and staff
Innovation - Electroengineering - 24.09.2024
New CEA-Leti Technology Improves DC-DC Converter Efficiency and Paves the Way to Piezoelectric Converters Without Transformers
'This Type of Converter Is Now Compatible With a Much Wider Range of Applications, Such as TVs, Phones, Tablets and Electrical Tools.
Computer Science - Innovation - 24.09.2024

The organisation's 'Choose France CNRS AI Rising Talents' programme is intended to attract the best researchers in this burgeoning field.
Environment - Earth Sciences - 23.09.2024
Preparations for a major scientific conference on the ocean are underway
Environment - 23.09.2024
One Ocean Science Congress: scientific foundation for the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference
Research Management - Economics - 20.09.2024

In 2019, the CNRS published its Roadmap for Open Science which was based on five pillars - opening up publications, research data management and sharing, the development of digital infrastructures, the promotion of open source software and reform of research assessment.
Innovation - Health - 20.09.2024

Event - 19.09.2024
SCD Join the CIVIS Library Zoom!
Environment - Earth Sciences - 18.09.2024
’The environmental transition is a strategic opportunity for the CNRS’
To facilitate the implementation of its environmental transition plan and provide ongoing support for this, the CNRS recently appointed a scientific officer for sustainable development and risks.
Earth Sciences - 17.09.2024

A team of researchers from the CNRS and the Paris Institute of Planetary Physics 1 has developed an innovative imaging method that can probe the bowels of a volcano with unparalleled resolution and depth.
Pedagogy - 16.09.2024
DRI Study abroad: CIVIS BIPs are back!
Sport - 13.09.2024
Paris 2024: the Physics Laboratory vibrates to the rhythm of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Life Sciences - Career - 09.09.2024

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 09.09.2024

The COLIBRI ground-based telescope unveiled its first images at its inauguration on September 7, 2024 at the San Pedro Mártir National Astronomical Observatory, Mexico.
Politics - 09.09.2024
Introducing HiSCod: A new Gateway for the Study of Historical Conflict
Earth Sciences - 09.09.2024
Where does the ocean dissipate the energy it receives from prevailing winds?
Earth Sciences - Astronomy / Space - 09.09.2024
How old is the Eye of Africa?
Chemistry - Environment - 09.09.2024

Publication of the Chemistry Laboratory in the Journal of Organic Chemistry on March 14, 2024. Communication by CNRS Chemistry on September 3, 2024.
Research Management - Career - 05.09.2024
The winners of 2024 ERC Starting Grants from the CNRS
Sport - 27.08.2024

A multi-medallist para-swimmer, France's national karate kata champion in 2022 and a lawyer specialising in sports and disability law, Mai-Anh Ngo will carry the Paralympic flame on 25 August.
Event - 27.08.2024
Ingrid Daubechies at Eusipco 2024
Politics - History / Archeology - 20.08.2024

Julia Pirotte, a photojournalist and resistance fighter, documented the first day of the Marseille uprising on 21 August, 1944, wielding her camera alongside the freedom fighters.
Event - Feb 10
Événement AMIDEX, AMPIRIC Les Actualités de la recherche : conférence de Alfredo BAUTISTA
Événement AMIDEX, AMPIRIC Les Actualités de la recherche : conférence de Alfredo BAUTISTA
Innovation - Jan 14
AI and the media: Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes, with the ANR funding, create a joint laboratory
AI and the media: Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes, with the ANR funding, create a joint laboratory