Plant and animal health, climate change, nutrition and human health: INRA strengthens cooperation with its Chinese partners

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. © INRA

From 25 to 30 September, Philippe Mauguin, President of INRA, visited Shanghai and Beijing with Carole Caranta, Head of the Plant Biology and Breeding Division, Muriel Vayssier, Head of the Animal Health Division, and Ségolène Halley des Fontaines, Head of International Affairs. During this trip, the delegation signed several agreements and the contracts formalizing two new International Associated Laboratories, strengthening the Institute’s ties with its Chinese partners across a wide range of areas.

Renewal of the cooperation agreement between INRA and the Chinese Academy of Sciences

On 28 September, Philippe Mauguin and Tao Zhang, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), signed a 5-year renewal of their cooperation agreement, as a follow up to the INRA-CAS workshop that took place in Shanghai from 17 to 19 September. A delegation of ten scientists led by Jean-François Soussana, Vice President in charge of International Policy at INRA, participated in the workshop.

This agreement strengthens cooperation between the two institutes in their areas of expertise: agroecological transition for sustainable agricultural practices, genomics, animal and plant health, soils and climate, food, nutrition and health. The objective is to enhance joint results by encouraging new joint calls for projects and mobility on the subjects selected during the workshop.

Two new International Associated Laboratories to study vine and emerging zoonotic viruses

As announced by the French President last January during his trip to China, two new International Associated Laboratories (LIAs) were created. The first one, Innogrape, deals with the adaptation of vine to climate change and it is the result of a collaboration between INRA, the University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Sciences Agro and the CAS. The second LIA, Zoe-v, created by INRA, the University of Lyon, and the Pasteur Institute of Shanghai, aims to study emerging zoonotic viruses.

Strengthening relations with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Philippe Mauguin and the president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Huajung Tang, confirmed their intention to work closely together, mainly on issues such as wheat and the integrated management of pests, soils, climate and agroecology, agricultural and food products, and breeding and food processes. The first joint workshop had already been held in Paris, from 15 to 17 May 2018, paving the way for future joint projects. Mauguin and Tang also confirmed their intention to create a new LIA, in collaboration with the Institute of Plant Protection of the CAAS, touching on novel biocontrol strategies.