Natural Sciences - Astronomy/Space

First light for COLIBRI, an outstandingly fast ground-based telescope

Astronomy & Space - Physics

The COLIBRI ground-based telescope unveiled its first images at its inauguration on September 7, 2024 at the San Pedro Mártir National Astronomical Observatory, Mexico. Designed as part of the SVOMspace mission, the outstandingly fast telescope will be able to detect gamma-ray bursts, as well as other transient astronomical phenomena.

Extent of CO2 and CO ices in the trans-Neptunian region revealed by JWST

Publication of the LGL-TPE in the journal Nature Astronomy on May 22, 2024. Communication by CNRS Earth & Space on June 19, 2024. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most abundant ices in the Solar System.

Planet 9, do you copy?

Astronomy & Space - Environment

For nearly ten years, astronomers have been trying to demonstrate the existence of a massive object thought to be orbiting in the outer reaches of the Solar System.

French-Chinese satellite to unlock the secrets of gamma-ray bursts

Astronomy & Space - Physics

On 22 June, a Chinese Long March 2C rocket launched the SVOM satellite, carrying two French-designed instruments, into orbit.

How old is the Eye of Africa?

Publication of the LGL-TPE in Lithos on June 18, 2024. Communication by UBO on July 8, 2024. A study published in June 2024 in the Lithos review traces the dating and geological history of a particular geological structure: the Richat structure.

James Webb Space Telescope provides first hints of evidence of the existence of an ocean exoplanet

Astronomy & Space - Earth Sciences

A team of CNRS planetary scientists 1 working in collaboration with astronomers from the University of Montréal has presented first evidence that the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140b could be an ocean world.

Astronomy through the back door

Astronomy & Space - Environment

Alessandro Morbidelli is a specialist in the evolution and formation of planetary systems, and holds the planetary formation Chair at the Collège de France.