The 5th seminar of the Ampiric 2022 cycle on respect for others will be held on May 11, 2022 at INSPE Saint Jérôme
By Julien Garric and Françoise Lorcerie
Placed at the heart of fundamental learning by the law for a school of confidence (2019), "respecting others", explicitly linked to the transmission of the values of the Republic, without being attached to concrete teaching or evaluation methods, risks being apprehended in a perspective of lack.
Our work leads us to consider respect for others as a fundamental relationship at school, necessary both for the education of students as citizens and for the maintenance by teachers of an educational relationship that is indispensable for learning fundamental knowledge, in a context where students are inclined to challenge or discuss knowledge that is given as indisputable.
AMPIRIC 2022 seminar series - Réseau Canopé (