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Post Doctorate in experimental social & organisational psychology (60-100%)

WorkplaceBrig, Schinerstrasse 18, Valais, Switzerland
Occupation rate
60% - 100%
Job StartSpring 2024

UniDistance Suisse, as an accredited university institute in accordance with the Swiss Higher Education Act (HEdA), has been offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees programs and continuing education and training programs in the faculties of Law, Psychology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Economics and History for over 30 years. These programs can be attended in parallel with family life, professional or sporting career, in a flexible distance learning model.

UniDistance Suisse is dedicated to the highest quality standards in teaching and research. With more than 2300 students, it is the leading institution in the field of distance education in Switzerland. Out of 420 employees, almost 350 are involved in teaching and research activities.

To strengthen and further develop our research in social and organisational psychology, the Faculty of Psychology at UniDistance Suisse is looking for a Postdoc in Experimental Social/Organisational Psychology with an interest in group psychology, cooperation, decision making and/or prosocial behaviour.

Postdoc in Experimental Social/Organisational Psychology (60-100%)

- Place of work: Brig, with part-time home office possible
- Start date: Spring 2024 or upon agreement


  • Design and conduct research in experimental social/organisational psychology
  • Develop your academic profile and publication record
  • Collaborate with other researchers at UniDistance Suisse and other universities in research projects, publications, and grant applications
  • Assist in online teaching and develop your own teaching activities in line with your academic profile


  • PhD with honours in experimental Social and/or Organisational Psychology
  • Experience with designing, conducting, and analysing lab, online and/or field experiments and related methods
  • Background in Social and/or Organisational Psychology and at least one of the following topics: group psychology, cooperation, decision making, prosocial behaviour or another closely related topic
  • Fluent in both English and German, spoken and written. Knowledge of French is a plus.

We offer

  • Opportunity to pursue your own research interests and develop your academic profile and career
  • Exciting opportunities in a fast-growing, multilingual university with a strong research community and state of the art online teaching
  • Active participation in the further development of research and teaching in the Faculty of Psychology, and UniDistance Suisse as a whole
  • Modern and flexible working environment that supports your professional development
  • Attractive employment conditions

Contact and Address

Please send us your electronic application in one pdf to our Human Resources Department jobsunidistance.ch containing a motivation letter and a complete up to date CV, including active links to all publications and working papers, copies of all diplomas and degrees, as well as the names of three referees, who will be contacted at a later stage.

The ad remains open until the position is filled. We are reviewing applications on a rolling basis and will start holding interviews from March.

For questions about the application process, please contact Mr. Patrick Constantin, Head of Human Resources by email ( patrick.constantinunidistance.ch ). For questions and further information about the position itself, please contact Prof. Dr. Karin Moser, Chair of Social and Organisational Psychology/Organisational Behaviour, by email ( karin.moserunidistance.ch ).



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In your application, please refer to myScience.fr and reference JobID 43743.