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Postdoc Position “PFAS Screening” in Environmental Analytical Chemistry (“Postdoc”)

Closing Date
WorkplaceTübingen, Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Duration36 Monate
Occupation rate
Job Start01.10.2024

The group of Environmental Analytical Chemistry conducts research and provides education in Environmental Science with a focus on analysis, occurrence and fate of organic pollutants, in particular per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who contributes to our current research and teaching and supervises our analytical laboratory.


The applicant seriously pursues a career in academia and contributes to project funding and teaching.


The successful candidate holds a PhD (doctorate) and has a strong background in Environmental and Analytical Chemistry, as well as in LC-HRMS applications for PFAS.

We offer

Salary is based on TV-L E13 and employment takes place via the Central Administration of the University.

Contact and Address

Please send your application with a detailed CV, a publication list, a statement of your research interests, and the names of two potential referees to:

Prof. Dr. Christian Zwiener

Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Department of Geosciences
Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96
D-72076 Tübingen

E-mail: Christian.zwieneruni-tuebingen.de



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In your application, please refer to myScience.fr and reference JobID 47303.