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Computer Science - 05.02
Software Engineer IoT Systems and Software Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
Software Engineer IoT Systems and Software Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
Agronomy/Food Science - 04.02
PhD Student: Sustainable Management of Agriculturally Used Peatlands Agroscope, Posieux
PhD Student: Sustainable Management of Agriculturally Used Peatlands Agroscope, Posieux
Health - 03.02
Full or Associate Professor, Senior Staff Dentist in charge of the Gerodontology Unit Université de Genève
Full or Associate Professor, Senior Staff Dentist in charge of the Gerodontology Unit Université de Genève
Electroengineering - 03.02
Professor / Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Intelligent Embedded Systems: Software-Hardware Co-design ETH Zürich
Professor / Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Intelligent Embedded Systems: Software-Hardware Co-design ETH Zürich
Computer Science - 28.01
Research Associate in Electronics (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Research Associate in Electronics (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Computer Science - 27.01
Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist in IoT Systems and Software Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist in IoT Systems and Software Lucerne University of Applied Sciences
Pharmacology - 17.01
Professor of Pharmaceutical or Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch
Professor of Pharmaceutical or Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (80-100%) Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch