news 2023
Like humans, baboons are strategic cooperators
Why do we articulate more when speaking to babies and puppies?
Predicting the Onset of Anxiety Disorders in Adolescence Thanks to Artificial Intelligence
Fathers Who Take 2 Weeks Paternity Leave Are Considered Less Likely to Develop Postpartum Depression
Results 1 - 7 of 7.
Health - Psychology - 13.12.2023
A new study sheds light on the link between childhood ADHD symptoms and physical health conditions
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects many children and is often accompanied by other conditions, such as metabolic disorders, asthma and dental caries. However, uncertainties remain as to the chronology of onset of such conditions, particularly when it comes to knowing which are linked with ADHD over time or, on the other hand, which increase the risk of developing ADHD symptoms.
Psychology - 27.10.2023

A team led by CNRS scientists 1 has discovered that, just like humans, Guinea baboons develop complex strategies to select partners for cooperation, basing their decisions on past interactions. Humans naturally engage in strategic cooperation in many contexts. For example, when children help schoolmates by lending them their class notes, they may expect the same in return the next time: this is known as reciprocity.
Psychology - 01.07.2023

Babies and puppies have at least two things in common: aside from being newborns, they promote a positive emotional state in human mothers, leading them to articulate better when they speak. This finding is the result of research by an international team 1 that included Alejandrina Cristia, a CNRS Researcher at the Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistique (LSCP) (CNRS/EHESS/ENS-PSL).
Health - Psychology - 23.02.2023
Cannabis: Insomnia Twice as Common Among Students Who Use It Every Day
The likelihood of suffering from insomnia was found to be 45% higher in cannabis users compared to non-users. In France, over half of students suffer from sleep complaints. These are particularly concerning as they can affect the success of their studies, and their physical and mental health. A real public health issue, the evaluation of these health risks is one of the research subjects of a team of scientists from Inserm, Université de Bordeaux and Bordeaux University Hospital.
Life Sciences - Psychology - 21.02.2023
A blood factor involved in depression
A small group of neural stem cells isolated from mice and cultured in vitro observed under a confocal microscope. The process of aging is often related to the onset of cognitive decline, depression and memory loss. Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, CNRS and Inserm have discovered that administration of the GDF11 protein, which is known to regenerate murine neural stem cells, improves cognitive abilities and reduces the depressive state in aged mice.
Psychology - Health - 09.01.2023

Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric conditions in adolescence, with nearly one in three individuals affected. Adobe Stock Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric conditions in adolescence, with nearly one in three individuals affected. Some of these disorders - such as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder - tend to emerge slightly later in life or consolidate in early adulthood.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 04.01.2023

Omar Lopez sur Unsplash In the weeks that follow the birth of a child, both parents are likely to develop depression. Paternity leave, recognized for its benefits on family balance, child development and male-female equality, could be one of the keys to preventing this condition that affects one in ten fathers and almost two in ten mothers.