


Results 21 - 40 of 142.

Physics - Life Sciences - 17.07.2023
How do you fit a bale of straw into the eye of a needle?
Publication of the Physics Laboratory in the journal PNAS, on July 18, 2022, and Nano Letters, on May 22, 2023. Communication of CNRS-INP on July 17, 2023. Researchers at the Physics laboratory of ENS de Lyon (CNRS/ENS de Lyon) have recreated artificial pores that mimic the functioning of two types of biological pore, paving the way for the manufacture of selective nano-pumps and nano-filters.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 12.07.2023
Stellar winds regulate growth of galaxies
Publication of the CRAL in the journal Nature on December 6, 2023. Press alert of CNRS on December 6, 2023. Galactic winds enable the exchange of matter between galaxies and their surroundings. In this way, they limit the growth of galaxies, that is, their star formation rate.

Physics - 26.06.2023
Thermodynamics: 100% quantum
Publication of the Physics Laboratory and the LIP in the journal PRX Quantum on April 18, 2023. Communication of the CNRS-INP on June 13, 2023.

Physics - 26.06.2023
Disoriented order
Publication of the Physics Laboratory in the journal Nature on June 14, 2023. Communication of the CNRS-INP on June 14, 2023. A research team involving members of the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon has demonstrated the existence of a new form of order never before identified in nature: 'non-orientable' order, which can endow simple structures with properties that enable them to store information.

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 19.06.2023
Superionic ammonia created and analyzed in the laboratory
Superionic ammonia created and analyzed in the laboratory
Ammonia plays an important role in the mechanisms at work inside the planets Uranus and Neptune. Experiments carried out at the Laboratory for the Use of Intense Lasers (LULI) have reproduced the extreme conditions prevailing on these planets, and demonstrated the fusion of "superionic" ammonia ice. These results are reported in the journal Nature Physics.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 12.06.2023
A French-German laboratory for identifying the nature of dark matter
A French-German laboratory for identifying the nature of dark matter
  Dark matter remains a scientific mystery: it makes up 26% of our Universe's total energy density, but has never been observed. The CNRS and German research centres from the Helmholtz Association have joined forces to create the Dark Matter Lab (DMLab), an International Research Laboratory (IRL) focusing on the mysterious substance that is dark matter.

Physics - Materials Science - 02.06.2023
CEA-Leti Proof of Concept Demonstrates Electrons Move Faster in Germanium Tin Than in Silicon or Germanium
CEA-Leti Proof of Concept Demonstrates Electrons Move Faster in Germanium Tin Than in Silicon or Germanium
Results Reported in Nature Article Suggest Vertical GeSn Transistors May Someday Enable Low-Power, High-Performance Chips and Quantum Computers C EA-Leti research scientists ha ve demonstrated that electrons and other charge carriers can move faster in germanium tin than in silicon or germanium, enabling lower operation voltages and smaller footprints in vertical than in planar devices.

Event - Physics - 25.05.2023
CEA-Leti to Report New Integration & Packaging Gains for Next-Generation LiDAR Steering on Autonomous Vehicles at ECTC
Seven Papers Highlight Results with High-Level Integration of Technologies & Components for HPC/Edge-AI Chiplets, Optical Computing, Displays and Imagers - CEA-Leti will present new integration and packaging technologies for next-generation LiDAR optical-network driving devices in autonomous vehicles at the Electronic Components and Technology Conference , May 30-June 2, in Orlando, Fla.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 11.05.2023
James Webb Space Telescope reveals composition of protoplanetary disc
  Young stars are surrounded by discs of material from which future planets form. The James Webb Space Telescope has revealed the chemical composition of the disc around the star J160532, which turns out to be rich in hydrocarbons. In recent years, observations  have shown that rocky exoplanets are very abundant around low-mass stars such as J160532.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 11.05.2023
The James Webb Telescope reveals the composition of a protoplanetary disk
Young stars are surrounded by disks of material where future planets are born. The James Webb telescope has revealed the chemical composition of the disk of the star J160532, rich in hydrocarbons. Observations in recent years have shown that rocky exoplanets are very abundant around "light" stars like J160532.

Physics - 09.05.2023
Parking problems seen from the standpoint of physics
Parking problems seen from the standpoint of physics
In major metropolises, drivers looking for parking often represent more than 10% of urban traffic 1 , making both pollution and frustration worse! Can physics help understand the headache of parking in cities? Yes, if we are to believe the research conducted by a team led by a CNRS researcher at the Institute of Light and Matter (CNRS/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), which has proposed a new approach to the topic.

Physics - 21.04.2023
Nanosciences: new pieces to the jigsaw puzzle of nanothermodynamics
Publication of the Chemistry Laboratory in the journal Nature Comunication on April 1st, 2023. Communication of the CNRS-INC on April 20, 2023. Historically developed for macroscopic systems, thermodynamics is the science that allows to precisely define pressure and temperature by focusing on a system's energy flows.

Chemistry - Physics - 13.04.2023
Javier B. Giorgi, affiliated professor at Chemistry Laboratory
Professor, Department of chemistry and biomolecular sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada Affiliated Professor 2023-25 - April 21 to May 21, 2023 (Stays planned in January 2024 and April 2025) Inviting Researcher: Carine Michel Javier Giorgi is a Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa.

Physics - Innovation - 04.04.2023
A converter for quantum devices and future communications
Researchers at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory (LKB) have succeeded in building the first converter to make two types of quantum information coding communicate. This first could enable the interconnectivity of future networks. Quantum information covers both the field of quantum communications, which allows a secure exchange of information as well as quantum computing.

Environment - Physics - 04.04.2023
Climate change: better prediction of heat waves thanks to AI
Publication of the Physics Laboratory in the Physical Review Fluids on April 4, 2023. Communication of the CNRS on April 3, 2023. Extreme heat events are rare, but have significant consequences on living beings and their environments. Anticipating their arrival is a major challenge. In an article published in Physical Review Fluids on April 4, an interdisciplinary team of French scientists, including members of the Physics Laboratory of ENS de Lyon, unveils an artificial intelligence able to predict heat waves.

Environment - Physics - 03.04.2023
Climate change: improved prediction of heatwaves thanks to AI
Climate change: improved prediction of heatwaves thanks to AI
Extreme heatwaves are rare, but they have major consequences on living beings and their environments. Anticipating their arrival is a central challenge. In an article published in Physical Review Fluids on April 4th, an interdisciplinary team of French scientists 1 from the CNRS, the CEA, and the Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 unveiled artificial intelligence 2 that can predict heatwaves.

Physics - 13.02.2023
Nuclear Fusion: A Historic Breakthrough
In December 2022, scientists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) announced a "historic breakthrough" in the field of nuclear fusion. They succeeded, for the first time, in releasing more energy through fusion reactions than was necessary to cause them. Caterina Riconda, professor of physics at Sorbonne University in the Laboratory for the Use of Intense Lasers, and Pierre Morel, associate professor at the Laboratory of Plasma Physics, discuss these unprecedented results.

Chemistry - Physics - 10.02.2023
A new key discovery for tracing the origins of life
Publication of the LGL-TPE in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A on January 11, 2023. Press realease of the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University on February 10, 2023.

Chemistry - Physics - 20.12.2022
What is the best recipe for making soap bubbles?
What is the best recipe for making soap bubbles?
A soap bubble attracts the attention of young and old. Who has never wondered the recipe of these fascinating bubbles or how to get the biggest one - In collaboration with artists, who have a great empirical knowledge of the recipes that work in their acts, a team from the Laboratory of Solid State Physics (CNRS/University of Paris-Saclay) has identified the main ingredients ensuring to get the best bubbles.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 12.12.2022
First light for the next-generation spectrograph WEAVE
First light for the next-generation spectrograph WEAVE
WEAVE has carried out its first-light observations on Stephan's Quintet, a group of five galaxies, some of which are undergoing collision. They provide a demonstration of its exceptional capabilities and hold out the promise of major discoveries. WEAVE, a new spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope (Canary Islands, Spain), has successfully carried out first-light observations of a group of five galaxies called Stephan's Quintet, thus demonstrating its unprecedented capabilities and providing the astronomical community with the promise of many new discoveries.