Social Sciences
Results 21 - 22 of 22.
Social Sciences - 24.06.2016
Skype data of 500 million people reveals the real patterns of social adoption
Global patterns of adoption spreading are induced by local adoption cascades initiated by multiple spontaneous adopters arriving at a constant rate, amplified by a large number of adoptions induced by social influence, and controlled by individuals who are immune to the actual adoption. This study, published in This study is based on an observation of payed service adoptions evolved over 8 years on the social network of Skype, which connects over 500 million people all around the world.
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 10.03.2016
First non-utilitarian weapons found in the Arabian Peninsula
An exceptional collection of bronze weapons dating from the Iron Age II (900-600 BC) has been uncovered near Adam, in the Sultanate of Oman. The remains were discovered scattered on the ground in a building belonging to what is thought to be a religious complex, during excavations carried out by the French archaeological mission in central Oman.