BIOSANTEXC - Call for Administrative staff Mobility

Administrative staff mobility from India to France : the campaign is now closed.

Please note that this year the annual BIOSANTEXC Workshop will be held in Lyon, France on 28 and 29 May 2024. We strongly encourage candidates to undertake their mobility within the same period in order to optimize scientific encounters and opportunities.

The Franco-Indian Campus in Life Sciences BIOSANTEXC (BSX) is launching a call for applications for administrative staff mobility to France in order to strengthen links, share best practices and work jointly on BIOSANTEXC actions.


  • Open to administrative staff of Indian institutions involved in BIOSANTEXC
  • The host institution also needs to be part of the BIOSANTEXC consortium

Financial conditions

  • The program supports mobility over a period of up to one week
  • It includes travel (return airfare to an extent of 800 euros) and living (up to 7 per-diem) expenses. Possible additional costs can be supported by the home or hosting institution.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Consistency between the foreseen mobility and the applicant’s objectives
  • Quality and relevance of the project, in line with the targets of th BIOSANTEXC project
  • Potentiel to develop the activities and visibility of the BSX network

BIOSANTEXC is a project funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

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