Editorial meetings: Aix-Marseille Université welcomes three renowned French writers

For the first time, Étienne Klein, Belinda Cannone and Marie-Hélène Lafon will be hosted at Aix-Marseille Université between October 17 and 22, 2022. Their visit will allow them to explore their relationship with nature and its influence on their literary creations, subjects at the heart of the Versant intime collection published by Arthaud.

Monday 17, Friday 21 and Saturday 22 October 2022

Events open to all upon registration:

On the program

  • Monday, October 17, 2022 at 6 pm, Noailles amphitheater, 63 La Canebière, Marseille - Conference/Debate with Etienne Klein and Belinda Cannone, moderated by Fabrice Lardreau (editor) and Jean-Marc Quaranta (AMU lecturer).
  • Friday, October 21, 2022 at 6 pm, Bibliothèque universitaire des Fenouillères (167 avenue Gaston Berger, Aix-en-Provence) and Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 10:30 am, Bibliothèque universitaire Saint-Charles (3 place Victor Hugo, Marseille) - Meeting/Causerie with Marie-Hélène Lafon.

The collection Versant intime
The collection Versant intime (Arthaud) collects the confidences of illustrious personalities who, while inviting us to share and feel their passionate relationship with nature, explain how it directly affects their daily work, their inspiration and their creative process.
It is directed by Fabrice Lardreau, also a writer, author of novels and stories such as Une fuite ordinaire (1997), Contretemps (2004), Nord absolu (2009), Versants intimes (2010) or La Ville rousse (2020). It is the Versant intime collection that allows Aix-Marseille University to bring together three renowned personalities: Étienne Klein, Belinda Cannone and Marie-Hélène Lafon.

Étienne Klein Physicist, philosopher of science, research and laboratory director, collection director, radio producer, E. Klein has published numerous works and received many awards. Very attached to the popularization of science, he also hosts the program Science en questions on France Culture. In 2020, in the collection Versant intime, he published Psychisme ascensionnel, a series of interviews with Fabrice Lardreau in which he discusses the mountain, mountaineering and the void, a physical and metaphysical notion.

Belinda Cannone Novelist, essayist, lecturer, B. Cannone is interested in the links between music and literature, in the question of desire and the relationship between "me" and others, as well as in the ways of poetically inhabiting our fragile world. It is in 2019 that appears, in the collection Versant intime, the essay La forme du monde where she evokes walking and hiking in the high mountains: "Here is the interest of taking height: the shape of the world, hidden for the passerby of the valley bottoms, appears to us miraculously as we climb."

Marie-Hélène Lafon
Professor and writer, M.-H. Lafon is the recipient of numerous literary awards, including: Prix Renaudot (2020) for her novel Histoire du fils, Prix Goncourt de la nouvelle (2016) for her collection Histoires. In 2015, Arte produced the TV movie The Announcement, adapted from his novel of the same name. It is in 2019 that appears, in the collection Versant intime, Le Pays d’en haut, a series of interviews with Fabrice Lardreau where she discusses literature, writing and her links with the north of Cantal, "this country lost at a thousand meters above sea level."

Registration required: https://www.billetweb.fr/rencontres-editoriales