Let’s take a look back on the 2024 edition of #ErasmusDays

Since 2017, ENS de Lyon celebrates #ErasmusDays through several events. Let’s take a look back on the 2024 edition!

From the 14 to the 19 of October 2024, #ErasmusDays were organised here at ENS de Lyon with a number of events to celebrate European citizenship, mobility and international openness.

During this year’s edition, ENS de Lyon set up information meetings for students and staff, about the Erasmus+ program. It was an opportunity to learn more about the program and ask questions about the different mobilities.

The Diderot library played it’s part by displaying a collection of books about Europe, a great way to celebrate its history.

The Crous joined as well by offering a culinary journey to Poland, Greece and many more. A variety of dishes you wouldn’t want to miss.

The novelty for this edition was the Multilingual Café. The international student’s association, ASSET, organised a student meeting for them to be able to practice a foreign language by discussing different subjects.

For more information about the 2024 #Erasmusdays program

Erasmus+ is an European Union program for education, training, youth and sport. It allows students, faculty members and staff to spend some time abroad.