The dancer, choreographer and teacher Loïc Touzé will give a master class at ENS de Lyon from January 22nd to 24th, 2020.
From January 22nd to 24th, 2020, the French dancer, choreographer and teacher Loïc Touzé will give a master class to the registered students of ENS de Lyon.
Dancing is borrowing space and leave an imprint on space.
Meeting these imprints is effective if our imaginations are both stimulated and our sensitivity sharpened.
Increasing the notion of "presence" implies taking into account what is the visible, the others, the space we pass through but also what is not: absence, what it was, what it comes.
The work will therefore consist of a series of speculative experiments that will allow us to become aware of what a danced gesture contains as potential and as a vision.
Loïc Touzé is a dancer, choreographer and teacher.
Though he has created stage pieces since the mid-nineties, such as Morceau, Love, La Chance, Fanfare, Forme Simple, his work can take various forms. Around the Table, for example, created with Anne Kerzerho, or the film Dedans ce monde, are alternative ways of letting dance appear outside of the perimeter of the stage, outside or at the edge of the choreographic field.
Most of the dancers that share his work are themselves choreographers and have greatly contributed to the pieces through their talent and their commitment over the last 20 years.
For several years, Loïc Touzé has done research on the notion of the figure in dance with researcher and artist Mathieu Bouvier, resulting in a series of professional workshops and the creation of a website: He is regularly invited to participate in research activities at La Manufacture in Lausanne.
Loïc Touzé develops a considerable teaching practice and gives workshops for both professionals and amateurs in France and around the world. He teaches regularly for professional dance and theater education (Exerce Master’s degree, National Theater School of Strasbourg and La Manufacture in Lausanne). He was one of the founding members of the pedagogical college of the CNDC in Angers between 2004 and 2007 and occupied a post as associated professor at the Nantes School of Architecture between 2016 and 2019.
Loïc Touzé is also involved in the projects of other artists, on the one hand offering accompaniment for choreography or dramaturgy (for circus, theater, dance and music), and on the other developing favorable contexts for the emergence of the work of others. He actively participates in the group Les signataires du 20 août between 1997 and 2001. He co-directed Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers from 2001 to 2006 with Yvane Chapuis and François Piron and directs, since 2011, Honolulu, a space for residency, creation and teaching in Nantes.
All of these ways and means of action, creation, research, teaching and collaboration are connected without hierarchy. What presides over the work is the conviction that a danced gesture is an adventure, a promise of transformation and of emancipation.
(source: Loïc Touzé personal website )