Pre-maturity program of the University Innovation Cluster

  • Sorbonne University Alliance
  • Innovation

The Pôle universitaire d’innovation (PUI) of the Sorbonne University Alliance is launching a new pre-maturity program to support the development of innovative projects in emergence, whatever their scientific field or the targeted application sector, as long as their goal is the transfer of technology or knowledge to the socio-economic world.

This program is aimed at transfer projects that are not yet mature, coming from laboratories within the scope of the Sorbonne University Alliance. The program will enable them to validate a proof of concept, identify one or more potential applications, and strengthen an intellectual property asset. This program intervenes upstream and complements the missions of SATT Lutech or transfer subsidiaries such as Inserm-Transfert or CNRS Innovation.

The selected projects will last from 6 to 12 months and will be eligible for funding of up to ¤80,000 to cover operating costs (including external services), staff recruitment and equipment. Out of the allocated budget, ¤10,000 may be devoted to a technical and economic feasibility study

This program will be organized according to two annual calls for projects:

  • The first: from January 2 to February 16, 2023, submission of projects.
    The selection committee will be held during the week of March 13 to 17 (date to be confirmed) for a start of the projects at the end of March/beginning of April.
  • The second: from April 17 to June 7, 2023, submission of projects The selection committee will be held on June 21, 2023 (date to be confirmed) for a start of the projects in July or early September (at the choice of the promoters).

Projects from structures under the sole mandate of partner establishments that already have a prematurity support system will be oriented preferentially towards these establishments. Nevertheless, a case-by-case study remains possible, particularly in the case of co-financing.

For the preparation of the files, the project leaders are invited first of all to get in touch with the development structure of their establishment (see the list of contacts in the call for projects).