Training INSTITUT-SoMuM The journal Mutations en Méditerranée (MeM) is launched!

The Institut Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée (SoMuM) is pleased to announce the launch of the journal Mutations en Méditerranée (MeM), with its first issue entitled "Crises et prises de la parole":

Mutations en Méditerranée, sponsored by the Institut SoMuM, is an open-access digital journal whose editorial board is made up of doctoral students from various disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It provides a publication space for young researchers, and a unique opportunity to learn about scientific publishing through practice, in an Open Science context.

In April 2022, the members of the first editorial board, Théo Brillanti Derien, Camille Cassarini, Wafa Dahman, Aude-Line Gervais, Thiphaine Le Gauyer, Simon Le Roulley and Virginie Tisserant, after defining the theme and drafting the rationale, issued the first call for contributions for a journal in the making.

27 submissions were received, from a wide range of disciplines: contemporary art history, anthropology, political science, literature, archaeology and ancient history, philosophy, Arab and Muslim studies, This inaugural issue "Speech, speak out, crisis", invites multilingual and multidisciplinary reflection on the many links between a context of crisis and a phenomenon of the taking or crisis of the floor. It also proposes a reflection on the position and intermediary role of the investigated subject and the scientist. Because speech is always anchored in a given place, the contributions in this issue offer a space for reflection on the spatial dimension of language.

We hope you enjoy reading it!

Théo, Camille, Wafa, Aude-Line, Thiphaine, Simon, Virginie