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Health - Campus - 19.12.2024
A transdisciplinary systemic vision of health and well-being

Physics - Health - 09.12.2024
CEA-Leti Device Integrates Light Sensing & Modulation, Bringing Key Scalability, Compactness and Optical-Alignment Advantages
CEA-Leti Device Integrates Light Sensing & Modulation, Bringing Key Scalability, Compactness and Optical-Alignment Advantages
First-Reported Device -Improves Resolution and Penetration Depth Of Optical Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications-'- SAN FRANCISCO - Dec.

Health - Innovation - 25.11.2024
Innovation DIRCOM Launch of the Marseille Immunology Biocluster

Health - Life Sciences - 22.11.2024
France 2030: the CNRS and Inserm have launched a programme to understand how cells choose their fate and sometimes go awry

Health - Event - 25.10.2024
Global Reach: Inserm Celebrates in Washington, DC, 60 Years of Research and Innovation
Global Reach: Inserm Celebrates in Washington, DC, 60 Years of Research and Innovation

Innovation - Health - 20.09.2024
I-Lab 2024 innovation competition: two winners at ENS Lyon
I-Lab 2024 innovation competition: two winners at ENS Lyon

Life Sciences - Health - 17.07.2024
Single-cell technologies mark the dawn of a new era
Single-cell technologies mark the dawn of a new era
Single-cell technologies for the analysis of genomic data enable scientists to better study tissue mechanisms and heterogeneity at the scale of a cell. They also generate masses of wide-ranging data that takes cell biology into a new era. At the Institut Curie, a tumour specimen circulates from floor to floor.

Health - Social Sciences - 18.06.2024
Social inequalities widen after a breast cancer
A French-Swiss team has highlighted the long-term impact of socioeconomic inequalities on the quality of life of women who have had breast cancer.

Health - Pedagogy - 11.06.2024
Inserm publishes its Collective Expert Review on multiple disabilities
Inserm has published a new Collective Expert Review on the theme of multiple disabilities, commissioned by the French National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA).

Pharmacology - Health - 16.05.2024
Pharmacognosy brings nature to our medicine chests
Professor Mehdi Beniddir, both a researcher in chemistry and a pharmacist, explains how pharmacognosy makes it possible to develop new medicinal drugs from substances found in nature.

Innovation - Health - 13.05.2024
CNRS at VivaTech 2024: basic research tackles the key challenges of tomorrow
A key player in deep tech, CNRS will once again participate in VivaTech, the largest European trade show of the year devoted to innovation, on May 22-25, 2024.

Health - 03.05.2024
Health of children born after medically assisted reproduction: no increased overall cancer risk, but a slightly increased leukaemia risk has not been ruled out
Embryo obtained after in vitro fertilisation (five days after in vitro fertilisation and culture).

Health - Politics - 26.04.2024
A look back on mass surveillance during the Covid crisis
In March 2020, France was one of the countries that adopted the strictest lockdown measures in an attempt to curb the Covid-19 pandemic.

Health - Campus - 19.03.2024
Training INSTITUT-CANCER-IMMUNO Call for PhD students 2024 - Interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary thesis projects

Health - Psychology - 12.03.2024
Physical and mental well-being of older adults: a positive impact of meditation and health education
Learning mindfulness meditation improves self-compassion, while health education promotes an increase in physical activity.

Health - Life Sciences - 20.02.2024
Addressing the mental health crisis with personalised treatment: the launch of the Virtual Brain Twin
Project In the EU, mental disorders are a growing concern and the need for effective treatments has never been more critical.

Health - 19.01.2024
Research DIRCOM AlpSatellites: coworking regulations in Italy, Austria and France

Health - Life Sciences - 05.12.2023
2023 Inserm Prizes: Innovative research at the service of patients
'Through its Prizes, Inserm celebrates this year five emblematic winners of our collective effort to conduct and support health research with efficacy and creativity,' emphasises Inserm CEO, Prof. Didier Samuel.

Life Sciences - Health - 30.11.2023
Projet NeuroSonoGene wins ERC Synergy Grant 2023
25 000 students 193 bachelor degrees 192 master degrees 13 campuses Congratulations to the NeuroSonoGene project team comprising Serge Picaud (Director of the Institut de la Vision at Sorbonne Univer

Health - Environment - 28.11.2023
The fourth INRAE Awards ceremony honours research excellence for a more sustainable future

Health - Life Sciences - 14.11.2023
The Rosalind Franklin building opens in Gerland, a new site dedicated to infectious diseases
CIRI and SFR Biosciences inaugurated their new premises on avenue Tony Garnier, on the site of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, on October 25.

Health - Campus - 08.11.2023
The VIRONMENT project receives generous support from the MSDAVENIR Fund

Health - Event - 02.11.2023
Catherine Tourette-Turgis receives the Pink Ribbon Award

Health - Pharmacology - 26.10.2023
Research DIRCOM ERC Synergy Grant 2023 for Immunotherapy of liver metastases
An international team of four distinguished immunologists, including Professor Eric Vivier of the Centre d'immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CNRS/Inserm/AMU) has been awarded one of the most generously funded research grants from the EU: the ERC Synergy Grant. Leading in their respective fields of research, they aim to combine their expertise to explore new avenues for immunotherapy of liver metastases - a condition that affects approximately half of all cancer patients.

Life Sciences - Health - 17.10.2023
Three Alumnis awarded the Jeunes Talents L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science France 2023

Health - Life Sciences - 05.10.2023
How to prevent and reduce disability among children, teenagers and young adults in the Paris region?

Health - Campus - 29.08.2023
Back-to-school calendar 2023-2024
Aix-Marseille University goes back to school! Find all the dates on the components website Faculty of Arts, Letters, Languages and Humanities * Monday, September 4, 2023: Licences 1 * All dates: http

Environment - Health - 28.08.2023
The environmental and health risks related to green algae
To coincide with the release of the film Les Algues vertes, directed by Pierre Jolivet, Dominique Davoult, Professor of Biological Oceanography at the Roscoff Marine Station, sheds light on the green tides that ravage more and more of Brittany's coasts every year.

Health - 23.08.2023
Research INSTITUT-CANCER-IMMUNO Research-Creation in Oncology and Immunology - Chair ICI / Iméra

Health - Pharmacology - 04.08.2023
Omicron BA.1 virus infection in vaccinated patients remodels immune memory
Alberto Domingo Lopez-Munoz, Laboratory of Viral Diseases, NIAID/NIH Teams from the internal medicine department of the Henri-Mondor AP-HP hospital, the Institut Necker - Enfants Malades, the Mondor I

Health - Environment - 11.07.2023
New Franco-Thai laboratory to investigate connections between biodiversity and human health
New Franco-Thai laboratory to investigate connections between biodiversity and human health

Health - Event - 23.06.2023
The Cancer University Institut (CUI) receives ’Comprehensive Cancer Center’ accreditation from the OECI

Health - History / Archeology - 08.06.2023
Emmanuel Delille, visiting professor at IHRIM

Health - 08.06.2023
When We Always Benefit From Focusing on Health: Inserm Unveils Its New Advertising Campaign
When We Always Benefit From Focusing on Health: Inserm Unveils Its New Advertising Campaign
One year after its large-scale poster campaign in France's railway stations and Paris subway, Inserm uses its slogan On gagne tous les jours à s'intéresser à la santé [We always benefit from focusing on health] in a 30-second TV commercial broadcast from June 7 to July 30.

Innovation - Health - 24.05.2023
The CNRS at VivaTech: Discover the major challenges of tomorrow
Transferring the best inventions that grew out of public research toward the market is one of the CNRS's missions.

Life Sciences - Health - 24.05.2023
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) enables thought-controlled walking after spinal cord injury
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) enables thought-controlled walking after spinal cord injury
Neuroscientists and neurosurgeons from EPFL/CHUV/UNIL and CEA/CHUGA/UGA report in the journal Nature that they have re-established the communication between the brain and spinal cord with a wireless digital bridge, allowing a paralyzed person to walk again naturally.

Health - 23.05.2023
Event DRI 2023 Edition of the International Student Welcome Desk!

Economics - Health - 22.05.2023
Event DRI 2023 edition of the AMU PREP’ DAYS: The conferences to prepare you to come to France!

Health - Life Sciences - 04.05.2023
The intestine as a remedy to aging
The intestine as a remedy to aging
This research offers prospects for counteracting age-related conditions, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Health - 26.04.2023
Why has our energy expenditure declined ?

Health - Pharmacology - 21.04.2023
The CYTOBACT project was selected in the framework of the Carnot call for projects organized for the University Hospital Federations (UHF)

Health - Pharmacology - 14.04.2023
Covid: ’We have moved from an epidemic to an endemic situation’
The Covid epidemic has disappeared from the media in France, but not from the population. What is the situation in hospitals?

Health - Social Sciences - 05.04.2023
Prevention and prevention MEFHLD May 17, International Day against LGBTphobia

Innovation - Health - 03.04.2023
The CNRS, a key actor in deeptech, is participating in the 2023 edition of Vivatech
The CNRS, a key actor in deeptech, is participating in the 2023 edition of Vivatech
The CNRS, a key actor in French deeptech with a driving role in innovation, has just made official its participation in Vivatech 2023 for a fourth edition.

Health - Pharmacology - 20.03.2023
Does the Covid-19 vaccine have an adverse effect on menstrual cycles ?
According to a study led by CNRS researcher Alexandra Alvergne 1 , the Covid-19 vaccine does not cause advserse menstrual changes.

Health - 11.03.2023
SIUMPPS November: Smoke-free month

Health - Sport - 09.03.2023
Rugby, Medicine, and the Importance of Upholding Traditions
International Partner Last month, the Faculty of Medicine of Sorbonne University's Petits Cochons rugby team travelled to Ireland to continue a proud tradition.

Life Sciences - Health - 03.03.2023
Discover the new winners of the A*Midex calls for projects - February 2023

Health - 01.03.2023
Abdelrahim Zoued, researcher at CIRI, receives the Jacques Monod Foundation Prize

Health - Pharmacology - 23.02.2023
New data of efficacy of a Meningococcal B Vaccine and a Preventive Antibiotic in Reducing the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections and proven efficacy of the MVA-BN Vaccine Against Mpox
New data of efficacy of a Meningococcal B Vaccine and a Preventive Antibiotic in Reducing the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections and proven efficacy of the MVA-BN Vaccine Against Mpox
Emerging Infectious Diseases in partnership with Roche , was conducted by a research team from the Paris Public Hospitals Group AP-HP, Université Paris Cité, Inserm, and Sorbonne Université in collaboration with the associations AIDES and Coalition PLUS.
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