Natural Sciences - Physics
First light for COLIBRI, an outstandingly fast ground-based telescope
The COLIBRI ground-based telescope unveiled its first images at its inauguration on September 7, 2024 at the San Pedro Mártir National Astronomical Observatory, Mexico. Designed as part of the SVOMspace mission, the outstandingly fast telescope will be able to detect gamma-ray bursts, as well as other transient astronomical phenomena.
Cell memory, a key parameter for morphogenesis
Publication of the RDP in PNAS on May 30, 2024. Communication by CNRS Physics on July 8, 2024. What principles govern the layout of living organisms?
So wait a while before cutting the cheese
Publication of the Physics Laboratory in the Physical Review Materials on July 9, 2024. Communication by CNRS Physics on September 5, 2024.
Nuclear power plants: a scintillating sponge for monitoring radioactive gas emissions
A scintillating aerogel enabling real-time measurements with excellent sensitivity to certain radioactive gases, essential to monitoring the proper functioning of nuclear power plants, has just been
The counter-intuitive statistics of thermodynamics on a microscopic scale
Publication of the Physics Laboratory in the Physical Review Letters on July 31, 2024. Communication by CNRS Physics on September 2, 2024.
Nuclear power plants: a scintillating sponge for monitoring radioactive gas emissions
Publication of the Chemistry Laboratory in Nature Photonics on September 2, 2024. CNRS press release on September 4, 2024.
X-Ray Diffraction: Introducing a new era in threat detection
In collaboration with Smiths Detection, CEA-Leti developed an innovative detection module for small-angle X-ray diffraction.
Selected Jobs
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Associate Professorship in Vocational training UNIL - Faculté des SSP, Lausanne
Poste de chercheur postdoctoral (H/F) en Biophysique Membranaire au LOMA - Université de Bordeaux CNRS, Bordeaux