news 2023
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Career - 30.08.2023
Research DIRCOM Along the AlpSatellites’ Journey
The AlpSatellites project, aimed at verifying the potential of remote working in alpine and remotes areas, is moving forward. It is scheduled for completion in February 2024 and, at the present time, the collection of quantitative survey data has almost been completed. One of the AlpSatellites' project goals is, in fact, understanding the evolving landscape of remote working.
Career - Social Sciences - 10.02.2023
Research DIRCOM AlpSatellites: unlocking remote working in the Alpine region
The AlpSatellites project is moving forward: it aims at verifying the potential of remote working in alpine and remotes areas. At the end of the first phase of the quantitative reseach with stakeholders, researchers have been analizing the findings about the dynamic world of remote work and its ideal co-working settings.