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Environment - Life Sciences - 18.12.2024
Phytochromes: the 'eyes' that enable microalgae to find their way in the depths
Phytochromes: the ’eyes’ that enable microalgae to find their way in the depths
The phytoplankton that populate oceans are known to play a key role in marine ecosystems and climate regulation.

Innovation - Environment - 09.12.2024
Valeo and CEA renew their partnership to meet the challenges of more sustainable, autonomous and connected mobility

Environment - Linguistics / Literature - 30.11.2024
The ecology of dress in Shakespeare and his contemporaries
The ecology of dress in Shakespeare and his contemporaries
Sophie CHIARI et Anne-Marie MILLER-BLAISE (dir. Collection.

Environment - 27.11.2024
A biodiversity initiative: ecological and participatory landscaping on the Saint-Jérôme campus

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 18.11.2024
The 5th INRAE Awards: Disruptive research - a source of solutions for agriculture, food and the environment

Environment - Earth Sciences - 13.11.2024
’The CNRS is a scientific benchmark organisation which teachers and students can turn to’

Linguistics / Literature - Environment - 30.10.2024
How speech comes to children
How speech comes to children
Before going to school to learn how to read and write their language, children first manage to understand and then speak it.

Agronomy / Food Science - Environment - 30.10.2024
Philippe Mauguin reappointed as INRAE Chair & CEO

Environment - Economics - 24.10.2024
The CNRS makes its second carbon footprint assessment
Following the CNRS's first carbon footprint assessment for 2019, the organisation has now published its second carbon audit for 2022.

Environment - 17.10.2024
Encouraging forest management practices to increase European carbon sink capacity
'Carbon Farming in the European Forestry Sector', a report from the European Forest Institute (EFI) with participating authors from both INRAE and AgroParisTech, shows us how carbon farming practices

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 09.10.2024
European project ’Pro-Wild’ to protect and promote crop wild relatives launched

Astronomy / Space - Environment - 07.10.2024
The CNRS is defending the future of astronomy to the European Union

Environment - Earth Sciences - 23.09.2024
Preparations for a major scientific conference on the ocean are underway

Environment - 23.09.2024
One Ocean Science Congress: scientific foundation for the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference

Environment - Earth Sciences - 18.09.2024
’The environmental transition is a strategic opportunity for the CNRS’
To facilitate the implementation of its environmental transition plan and provide ongoing support for this, the CNRS recently appointed a scientific officer for sustainable development and risks.

Chemistry - Environment - 09.09.2024
New molecular cages to clean up contaminated aquatic ecosystems
New molecular cages to clean up contaminated aquatic ecosystems
Publication of the Chemistry Laboratory in the Journal of Organic Chemistry on March 14, 2024. Communication by CNRS Chemistry on September 3, 2024.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 30.07.2024
The call of the forest
The call of the forest
Forests cover a third of the world's land surface. Although they provide us with invaluable services, they are now under so much pressure that we are faced with our own contradictions between their sometimes conflicting roles as sanctuaries for biodiversity, or (over)logged sources of materials.

Life Sciences - Environment - 23.07.2024
Sylvie Rétaux, the all-terrain biologist
Sylvie Rétaux, the all-terrain biologist
For the past 20 years, this specialist in developmental and evolutionary biology has been passionately dedicated to studying a small fish that lives in the waters of Central America.

Computer Science - Environment - 22.07.2024
Pooling computing resources to progress further together at Paris-Saclay University
Pooling computing resources to progress further together at Paris-Saclay University

Innovation - Environment - 19.07.2024
The CNRS’s leading role in Drones for Research
The CNRS has officially been a registered operator of drones for the last eight years. This title is the result of a decade of work by the CNRS Drones Unit on structuring and professionalising pilots.

Life Sciences - Environment - 17.07.2024
Protecting biodiversity worldwide: genetic diversity indicators are validated and ready for usegénétique prêts à l’emploi
Conserving genetic diversity is an essential part of maintaining the health and resilience of species and ecosystems.

Astronomy / Space - Environment - 20.06.2024
Astronomy through the back door
Astronomy through the back door
Alessandro Morbidelli is a specialist in the evolution and formation of planetary systems, and holds the planetary formation Chair at the Collège de France.

Environment - 18.06.2024
Report on Eco-responsible week at ENS de Lyon

Astronomy / Space - Environment - 14.06.2024
Reaching for the Moon for the sake of humanity
Reaching for the Moon for the sake of humanity
The "Sanctuary on the Moon" project, launched nearly ten years ago, aims to send a collection of discs containing a vast body of knowledge and material evidence of human civilisation to the Moon.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 07.06.2024
Research sets sail for the ocean
Research sets sail for the ocean
Oceans, which cover 70% of the planet, are in peril. Global research is mobilising to study and rescue it, and the CNRS is on the front lines, with over 1,000 scientists and 50 laboratories involved.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 29.05.2024
Is CO2 capture the key to carbon neutrality?
Is CO2 capture the key to carbon neutrality?
The European Commission is adamant: carbon capture and storage (CCS) will play a key role in the fight against climate change.

Environment - Philosophy - 14.05.2024
’It’s crucial to preserve the integrity of research while making sure researchers can freely express themselves’
The involvement of scientists in public debate has become a central issue.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 07.05.2024
Launch of GrapeBreed4IPM, a European project for sustainable solutions in viticulture

Environment - Research Management - 26.04.2024
The CNRS is coordinating the ’Climate, Biodiversity, Sustainable Societies’ programme agency
In December 2023, the President of the French Republic announced the launch of seven programme agencies.

Environment - Economics - 23.04.2024
The CNRS's low-carbon transition is progressing
The CNRS’s low-carbon transition is progressing
The first tangible effects of the CNRS's low-carbon transition plan can be seen a little over a year after the plan's launch.

Environment - 19.04.2024
Research AMIDEX, AMPIRIC Discover the new Ampiric website!

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 26.03.2024
LACCAVE: a ten-year research partnership to adapt viticulture to climate change

Environment - 25.03.2024
Travel & transport DDD Café DD St Charles site Marseille

Environment - 19.03.2024
Sustainable development DDD Collect and recycle your equipment!

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 21.02.2024
Decoding - Agricultural drought: understanding and adapting
Climate change and risks Agriculture is one of the sectors to be directly hit by the increased frequency of droughts.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 14.02.2024
Towards sustainable mountain pastoralism
PRESSE RELEASE - The EU project LIFE PASTORALP has come to an end after nearly six years.

Agronomy / Food Science - Environment - 01.02.2024
INRAE in Senegal: working with African and French partners for the transition of agrifood systems

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 26.01.2024
The TSARA initiative confirms its commitment to transforming agrifood systems through research and innovation in partnership with Africa

Environment - Sport - 19.12.2023
Will we be able to ski in a +2°C world?
The climate is getting warmer, and snow supply risk to snow tourism is growing. Can snowmaking be a solution?

Innovation - Environment - 07.12.2023
Michelin, the CNRS and l’Université Clermont Auvergne join forces to understand the science of tyre wear particles

Environment - Life Sciences - 04.12.2023
The Japanese beetle in Europe: modelling environmental suitability to customize pest monitoring strategies
The Japanese beetle is an insect pest that attacks a wide variety of plants. Slowly but steadily, it is spreading across the world.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 04.12.2023
INRAE and JRC renew their collaboration for four years

Health - Environment - 28.11.2023
The fourth INRAE Awards ceremony honours research excellence for a more sustainable future

Environment - Research Management - 21.11.2023
Official Launch of the Soil Carbon International Research Consortium

Environment - Laboratory - 31.10.2023
Renewal of the international associated laboratory Ecoland building on successful results for Sino-French research on contaminated soils

Environment - 18.10.2023
Scientific culture BIODIVERSITÉ Identifying the birds on my campus - second week of spring
Scientific culture BIODIVERSITÉ Identifying the birds on my campus - second week of spring

Agronomy / Food Science - Environment - 11.10.2023
Research INSTITUT-SoMuM ’Wheat, vine, olive: transformations in the practices and representations of a Mediterranean triad’ - Mutations en Méditerranée (MeM) - call for contributions for issue 2 | 2024

Environment - Earth Sciences - 05.10.2023
Three questions for the students selected for the Bougainville mission
Sorbonne University Alliance Multidisciplinary research Mathilde, Thomas, Hugo and Manon are Master's students at Sorbonne University.

Environment - Innovation - 28.09.2023
An African-French UNESCO Chair for better use of natural resources and waste

Environment - Event - 20.09.2023
The ecologist Sandra Lavorel is awarded the CNRS 2023 Gold Medal
The ecologist Sandra Lavorel is awarded the CNRS 2023 Gold Medal
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