news 2018



Results 1 - 12 of 12.

Earth Sciences - Environment - 07.11.2018
Launch of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) : Earth System Science enters the Big Data era
Wednesday 7 November 2018 officially launches the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) for the pooling and streamlining of data and services of all kinds for the study of our planet. This initiative, for which the CNRS and BRGM are working together with the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in part aims to better understand the mechanisms behind earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Environment - Life Sciences - 26.10.2018
Tara back from Pacific expedition with startling data : motley map of reef health
Tara back from Pacific expedition with startling data : motley map of reef health
After two and a half years navigating the Pacific, where over 40% of our planet's coral reefs are found, the schooner Tara returned to Lorient, its home port in Brittany, on October 27. Led by the Tara Expeditions Foundation, the Tara Pacific expedition deserves a round of applause: it has allowed scientists to study the impact of anthropogenic pressures on Pacific coral reefs using a novel approach on an unprecedented scale.

Environment - Computer Science - 14.08.2018
2018-2022 expected to be abnormally hot years
2018-2022 expected to be abnormally hot years
This summer's world-wide heatwave makes 2018 a particularly hot year. As will be the next few years, according to a study led by Florian Sévellec, a CNRS researcher at the Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Remote Sensing (LOPS) (CNRS/IFREMER/IRD/University of Brest) and at the University of Southampton, and published in the 14 August 2018 edition of Nature Communications .

Environment - Life Sciences - 30.07.2018
Largest king penguin colony has shrunk nearly 90%
Largest king penguin colony has shrunk nearly 90%
The world's biggest colony of king penguins is found in the National Nature Reserve of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF). Using high-resolution satellite images, researchers from the Chizé Centre for Biological Studies (CNRS / University of La Rochelle) 1 have detected a massive 88% reduction in the size of the penguin colony, located on Île aux Cochons, in the Îles Crozet archipelago.

Environment - 16.05.2018
The survival of sea birds affected by ocean cycles
The survival of sea birds affected by ocean cycles
In a general context of climate change, researchers at the Centre d'écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive (CNRS/Université de Montpellier/Université Paul Valery/EPHE-PSL) and their international partners revealed the impact of ocean cycles, such as the Pacific decadal oscillation and El Niño, on the survival of the Nazca booby, a species found on the Galapagos Islands.

Environment - Health - 26.04.2018
Double trouble for a coral reef
Upolu, one of the nine islands of Samoa, in the Pacific Ocean. Well-known among fans of diving, this isolated coral reef promised to be a site of rich biodiversity for the scientists on the Tara Pacific expedition, principally from the CNRS, the CEA 1 and the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 24.04.2018
A clearer understanding of the impact of extreme climate events on wheat yields
A clearer understanding of the impact of extreme climate events on wheat yields
France, the major bread-basket for Western Europe, experienced catastrophic yield losses in 2016. Scientists from INRA, CNRS and CEA 1 have shown that in 2016, and in other years, abnormally high temperatures in late autumn accentuated the negative effect on wheat production of excessive rainfall the next spring.

Earth Sciences - Environment - 11.04.2018
The dinosaur menu, as revealed by calcium
The dinosaur menu, as revealed by calcium
By studying calcium in fossil remains in deposits in Morocco and Niger, researchers have been able to reconstruct the food chains of the past, thus explaining how so many predators could coexist in the dinosaurs' time.

Earth Sciences - Environment - 04.04.2018
The great acceleration reaches new heights
The great acceleration reaches new heights
An international team of researchers 1 , including a CNRS researcher at the department of Écologie et Dynamique des Systèmes Anthropisés (CNRS / Université de Picardie Jules Verne) has observed an acceleration in the increase of biodiversity on mountain peaks in Europe.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 26.02.2018
Humans Changed the Ecosystems of Central Africa More Than 2,600 Years Ago
Fields, streets and cities, but also forests planted in rank and file, and dead straight rivers: humans shape nature to better suit their purposes, and not only since the onset of industrialization. Such influences are well documented in the Amazonian rainforest. On the other hand, the influence of humans was debated in Central Africa where major interventions seem to have occurred there 2,600 years ago: Potsdam geoscientist Yannick Garcin and his team have published a report on their findings in the journal PNAS.

Environment - Life Sciences - 01.02.2018
Press room
Press room
At a global scale, just 12 grape varieties (or 1% of cultivated varieties) occupy up to 80% of vineyards in some countries. Scientists from INRA and Harvard University in the USA have suggested that one of the levers that could be operated to adapt wine-growing to climate change is to exploit the diversity of other cultivated varieties by planting those that are less well known, and thus encouraging winegrowers and consumers to adopt new practices.

Life Sciences - Environment - 25.01.2018
Tara Oceans : discovery of over 100 million genes from the marine world
Tara Oceans : discovery of over 100 million genes from the marine world
The Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) has enabled the collection of plankton samples in all of the world's oceans on board the schooner Tara , and the creation of catalogues of species and genes on a scale never before undertaken.