wire - news in brief
Research Management
Results 1 - 50 of 93.
Research Management - 28.11.2024

Research Management - 19.11.2024
INSTITUT-SoMuM Issue 2 of the doctoral journal Mutations en Méditerranée (MeM) is out
Research Management - 18.11.2024
Event DIRCOM Plenary session of the Club des ERC (CERCle)
Research Management - 14.11.2024
Event INSTITUT-SoMuM Invitation to the launch of issue 2 of the doctoral journal Mutations en Méditerranée at the Mucem (November 21, 2024)
Research Management - Politics - 13.11.2024
’We have everything to gain by collaborating with China’
Research Management - 05.11.2024
The winners of 2024 ERC Synergy Grants from the CNRS
Research Management - 21.10.2024
IDEAL Join the new CEDRE webinar!
Innovation - Research Management - 07.10.2024

Research Management - 25.09.2024
IDEAL Take part in the Assises nationales des données de la recherche!
Research Management - Economics - 20.09.2024

In 2019, the CNRS published its Roadmap for Open Science which was based on five pillars - opening up publications, research data management and sharing, the development of digital infrastructures, the promotion of open source software and reform of research assessment.
Research Management - Career - 05.09.2024
The winners of 2024 ERC Starting Grants from the CNRS
Research Management - Innovation - 17.07.2024
Europe: ’Basic research should be central to the next Framework Programme’
Research Management - 11.07.2024
ERC Proof of Concept grants - first 2024 winners announced
Research Management - 08.07.2024
Its position paper for the European Union’s future framework program for research and innovation
Research Management - 21.06.2024
QS 2025 - ENS de Lyon affirms the strength of its research and its international recognition
Research Management - Politics - 06.06.2024
’Research reinforces European integration’
Research Management - 29.05.2024
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
Research Management - Innovation - 27.05.2024

Event - Research Management - 17.05.2024
CNRS wins the European Gender Equality Prize in the ’advanced’ category
Research Management - Campus - 09.05.2024
ENS de Lyon recognized in global university rankings
Research Management - 30.04.2024
Boosting industrial biotech in the EU: France to host IBISBA, a research infrastructure managed by INRAE
Research Management - Innovation - 30.04.2024
Exclusive interview with Iliana Ivanova on the future of European research
Research Management - 29.04.2024
Training INSTITUT-SoMuM Publishing, dissemination and open science course - Enhancing the value of my publications while respecting copyright (May 29, 2024)
Environment - Research Management - 26.04.2024
The CNRS is coordinating the ’Climate, Biodiversity, Sustainable Societies’ programme agency
In December 2023, the President of the French Republic announced the launch of seven programme agencies.
Research Management - Physics - 11.04.2024
ERC Advanced Grant 2023 : winners hosted by CNRS
Research Management - Event - 04.04.2024

Research Management - Career - 22.03.2024
Fabien Duveau, recipient of an ERC Consolidator Grant
Research Management - History / Archeology - 21.11.2023
Training INSTITUT-SoMuM The journal Mutations en Méditerranée (MeM) is launched!
Environment - Research Management - 21.11.2023
Official Launch of the Soil Carbon International Research Consortium
Innovation - Research Management - 04.10.2023
Sorbonne University, a world-class player in AI
Research Management - 22.09.2023
The ’Open Science’ MOOC: updated training on scientific integrity
Campus - Research Management - 20.09.2023
From Gerland to Pune, international horizons
Research Management - Event - 18.09.2023
IDEAL Take part in CEDRE’s new webinar - Data quality ?
Career - Research Management - 07.09.2023
ERC Starting Grant - Winners 2023
Research Management - 23.06.2023
Leiden Ranking 2023: Highlighting Sorbonne University’s continued commitment to Open Access
Research Management - Event - 30.05.2023
Event AMIDEX, IDEAL Take part in CEDRE’s webinar on securing your research data
Life Sciences - Research Management - 22.05.2023
Biosantexc - Official kick-off meeting of the project
Research Management - Social Sciences - 06.04.2023
For a trustworthy, responsible and open science
University Jean Bouvier d'Yvoire, in charge of the mission "Science that is trustworthy, responsible and open," discusses the stakes for our University and the importance of being attentive to the scientific process in a rapidly changing society.
Research Management - 31.03.2023
SCIENCE OUVERTE DIAMAS Project: OA Diamond and Institutional publishing landscape survey
Research Management - Innovation - 22.03.2023
SLICES, the first European testing platform for digital sciences
University Designed as a scientific tool for digital sciences, the SLICES platform is a unique initiative in the world.
Research Management - 28.02.2023
Aix-Marseille Université’s Position Paper on Horizon Europe mid-term evaluation
Research Management - 01.02.2023
THE 2023: ENS de Lyon is ranked among the most international institutions
Career - Research Management - 31.01.2023
2022 ERC Consolidator grants: a recipient at ENS de Lyon
Research Management - 19.01.2023
Research SCIENCE OUVERTE, DRV Aix Marseille Unviersité signs the COARA agreement for a reform of research evaluation
Event - Research Management - 16.12.2022
The 2022 European Étoile Trophy rewards the Prometheus project
Campus - Research Management - 16.12.2022
Creation of Biosantexc, a Franco-Indian campus in life and health sciences
Research Management - Physics - 04.10.2022

Research Management - Health - 29.09.2022
Sorbonne University builds on its real estate assets and renovates its research facilities
Research Management - 22.09.2022
International DRI Aix-Marseille University pursues its internationalization strategy towards the Mediterranean and Africa
Research Management - Career - 20.09.2022
SCIENCE OUVERTE DIAMAS receives grant to develop Diamond Open Access publishing in Europe
Event - Feb 10
Événement AMIDEX, AMPIRIC Les Actualités de la recherche : conférence de Alfredo BAUTISTA
Événement AMIDEX, AMPIRIC Les Actualités de la recherche : conférence de Alfredo BAUTISTA
Innovation - Jan 14
AI and the media: Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes, with the ANR funding, create a joint laboratory
AI and the media: Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes, with the ANR funding, create a joint laboratory