wire - news in brief



Results 1 - 44 of 44.

Career - Chemistry - 10.12.2024
Passing of Alain Fuchs, former President of the CNRS
Passing of Alain Fuchs, former President of the CNRS

Chemistry - 25.09.2024
Storing solar energy in molecules and converting it into heat energy

Chemistry - Environment - 09.09.2024
New molecular cages to clean up contaminated aquatic ecosystems
New molecular cages to clean up contaminated aquatic ecosystems
Publication of the Chemistry Laboratory in the Journal of Organic Chemistry on March 14, 2024. Communication by CNRS Chemistry on September 3, 2024.

Chemistry - Physics - 20.05.2024
Alexander Kuhn, the chemist who breaks the rules
Alexander Kuhn, the chemist who breaks the rules
The winner of the 2023 CNRS Silver Medal, Alexander Kuhn has marked the scientific community with his research in electrochemistry, which is of interest in fields ranging from pharmaceuticals to robotics.

Pharmacology - Chemistry - 28.03.2024
Claire de March, a researcher with flair
Winner of the 2023 Irène Joliot-Curie Prize in the "Young Woman Scientist" category, this research chemist has developed the very first experimental structure of a human olfactory receptor.

Chemistry - 26.09.2023
Séminaire IPCM | Paul Knochel ’Li, Na, Mg and Zn organometallics for organic synthesis’

Chemistry - 27.03.2023
TFChim 2023: the ENS de Lyon team wins the tournament

Life Sciences - Chemistry - 23.03.2023
Amrita Brajagopal Hazra, visiting professor at the Chemistry Laboratory

Physics - Chemistry - 10.03.2023
Alumni - Anne L’Huillier, Nobel Prize in Physics 2023

Chemistry - Physics - 08.02.2023
| Julia Contreras-Garcia (LCT) ’Constructing new model to predict superconductivity’
Sorbonne-université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie UFR de chimie tour 32-42, salle 101 Collation à partir de 16h30 Sorbonne-université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie UFR de chimie tour 32-42, salle 101 Co

Chemistry - Physics - 26.01.2023
Séminaire LCMCP | Stephan Wolf ’Potent small molecular-weight antiscalants...’
Le LCMCP vous informe Stephan Wolf (Institute of Glass and Ceramics Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nurnberg Germany) Will present a seminar entitled "Potent small molecular-weight antiscalants operate by specific additive-cluster interactions beyond established mechanistic conception" Abstract: Transient amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is a crucial precursor in various mineralizing environments, and insight into its ultrastructure and formation is vital for understanding formation pathways and identifying molecular control mechanisms by additives.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 15.12.2022
Lithium, the new white gold for the green transition?
With the sale of new internal combustion vehicles to be banned in the European Union in 2035, lithium has become the new white gold for the energy transition.

Chemistry - 07.12.2022
Séminaire IPCM | José Guadalupe Lopez Cortés ’Privileged ligands design based in a donor backbone’
Sorbonne-Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie UFR de Chimie, tour 32-42, salle 101 Si vous souhaitez participer en distanciel Veuillez nous contacter pour obtenir le lien Zoom Sorbonne-Université

Chemistry - 07.12.2022
Séminaire IPCM | Maria del Carmen Ortega-Alfaro ’Design of dye-like compounds for potential optoelectronic applications’
Sorbonne-Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie UFR de Chimie, tour 32-42, salle 101 Si vous souhaitez participer en distanciel Veuillez nous contacter pour obtenir le lien Zoom Sorbonne-Université

Materials Science - Chemistry - 07.07.2022
The chemist Jean-Marie Tarascon awarded the 2022 CNRS Gold Medal
The chemist Jean-Marie Tarascon awarded the 2022 CNRS Gold Medal

Materials Science - Chemistry - 03.05.2022
Arkema, the CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and CPE Lyon partner to design the batteries of the future
With electric cars, smartphones and laptop computers, the need for portable energy storage devices never ceases to increase.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 21.04.2022
New materials for storing flammable industrial gases
New materials for storing flammable industrial gases
How do I store more, and better? This summarizes the challenge of transporting flammable gases. To ensure industrial safety, these gases must be handled at defined temperature and pressure conditions that do not allow for optimal storage and release cycles.

Astronomy / Space - Chemistry - 03.02.2022
Earth’s water was around before Earth
To understand how life emerged, scientists investigate the chemistry of carbon and water. In the case of water, they track the various forms, or isotopes, of its constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms over the history of the universe, like a giant treasure hunt.

Life Sciences - Chemistry - 12.01.2022
Valuation AMIDEX Discover the new winners of the A*Midex calls for projects - November 2022

Chemistry - 24.11.2021
Tempera painting probed on the molecular scale
Tempera painting probed on the molecular scale
In contrast to the oil painting technique that supplanted it at the end of the 15th century, tempera painting, practiced on wood panels, walls or canvas has received little attention on the physico-chemical scale.

Physics - Chemistry - 22.09.2021
Spectroscopic Signature and Structure of the Active Sites in Ziegler-Natta Polymerization Catalysts Revealed by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Spectroscopic Signature and Structure of the Active Sites in Ziegler-Natta Polymerization Catalysts Revealed by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Spectroscopic Signature and Structure of the Active Sites in Ziegler-Natta Polymerization Catalysts Revealed by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Publication of CRMN in J. Am.

Chemistry - 14.09.2021
Carine Michel, Winner of the Paris-Lyon Group Prize

Chemistry - 10.08.2021
NLRP3 phosphorylation in its LRR domain critically regulates inflammasome assembly
Abstract NLRP3 controls the secretion of inflammatory cytokines IL-1?/18 and pyroptosis by assembling the inflammasome.

Chemistry - 07.07.2021
Development of a Borane-(Meth)acrylate Photo-Click Reaction
Development of a Borane-(Meth)acrylate Photo-Click Reaction

Chemistry - 22.03.2021
First French Chemists’ Tournament
Go live on Friday, March 26, 2021 at 9:45 a.m. for the 1st session of the French Chemists' Tournament (TFChim).

Chemistry - 19.02.2020
Metal-Metal Synergy in Well-Defined Surface Tantalum-Iridium Heterobimetallic Catalysts for H/D Exchange Reactions
Metal-Metal Synergy in Well-Defined Surface Tantalum-Iridium Heterobimetallic Catalysts for H/D Exchange Reactions

Chemistry - 31.10.2019
Inauguration of the new chemistry laboratory

Chemistry - 20.06.2019
An effective duo against cancer

Chemistry - Earth Sciences - 15.02.2019
In Earth’s Magma Ocean, Carbon Chemistry Got Complicated

Chemistry - 14.11.2018
Wetting the lock and key enthalpically favours polyelectrolyte binding

Chemistry - 05.10.2018
A French-South Korean International Joint Unit inaugurated in Seoul
A French-South Korean International Joint Unit inaugurated in Seoul

Life Sciences - Chemistry - 15.05.2018
A new gelling molecule for growing neurons in 3D
A new gelling molecule for growing neurons in 3D
A multidisciplinary team of researchers from CNRS, INSERM and Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier has developed a hydrogel that can grow, develop and differentiate neural stem cells.

Life Sciences - Chemistry - 02.04.2018
Artificial molecules that mimic DNA
Artificial molecules that mimic DNA
Not only can synthetic molecules imitate the structures of their biological counterparts, they can also assume their functions and even outcompete them.

Physics - Chemistry - 04.09.2017
European XFEL : Europe's next-generation free-electron laser
European XFEL : Europe’s next-generation free-electron laser
The faster, more powerful European XFEL free-electron laser 1 was inaugurated on September 1, 2017, near Hamburg, Germany.

Physics - Chemistry - 18.05.2017
Ion pairing controls rheological properties of
Ion pairing controls rheological properties of "processionary" polyelectrolyte hydrogels

Physics - Chemistry - 04.05.2017
Magnetically storing a bit on a single atom - the ultimate future data storage

Chemistry - Life Sciences - 25.04.2017
European cooperation on organic farming research
European cooperation on organic farming research
INRA and the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) signed a partnership agreement on organic farming research on Tuesday 25 April 2017 at INRA's Laqueuille centre in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Chemistry - 31.03.2017
Origin of an ancient hormone/receptor couple revealed by resurrection of an ancestral estrogen

Chemistry - 30.03.2017
From Paris to Vancouver, when studies have no borders
From Paris to Vancouver, when studies have no borders
Romane and Virginie, UPMC students in the exchange program at the University of British Columbia For Romane and Virginie, taking advantage of the partnership between UBC and UPMC was the best way to immerse themselves in a completely different culture and perfect their English.

Chemistry - Physics - 13.03.2017
The world’s first international race for molecule-cars, the Nanocar Race is on
Nanocars will compete for the first time ever during an international molecule-car race on April 28-29, 2017 in Toulouse (south-western France).

Chemistry - 05.12.2016
HE Mingyuan, Chinese chemist

Chemistry - Physics - 05.10.2016
CNRS molecular machine pioneer Jean-Pierre Sauvage receives the 2016 Nobel prize in chemistry
CNRS molecular machine pioneer Jean-Pierre Sauvage receives the 2016 Nobel prize in chemistry

Chemistry - 08.09.2016
Scientific misconduct: CNRS and ETH Zurich are setting up a commission of inquiry
Over the past few weeks, serious doubt has emerged regarding the figures featuring in several Molecular Biology publications.

Chemistry - Economics - 13.05.2016
Green chemistry: INCREASE brings together research and industry
Green chemistry: INCREASE brings together research and industry
How can green chemistry be developed? According to a novel network inaugurated on Friday 13 May at the University of Poitiers, the answer is to use biomass, a source of renewable carbon, as raw material.